Teresa Damiani | Foster’s Tavern of Hinckley

330-278-2106 | 1382 Ridge Road, Hinckley, OH 44233
Chamber Member

What is your company’s, organization’s or group’s primary activity

Restaurant & Bar with great burgers, homemade pizza, comfort foods located in Hinckley for over 35 years. We took ownership in September, 2015. Our staff varies in number from 15-20, including half who have been a part of Foster’s longer than we have, as well as Highland students working their way towards and through college. Our chef Michelle and bar manager Brian are the heart and soul of Foster’s.

Tell us about you: 

20+ years

Anything else you’d like us to know:

Foster’s Tavern, or The Hinckley Tavern as its known to some, has been a part of the Hinckley community for many years. The community makes it what it is and we are proud to be the caretakers.